Sunday, January 13, 2008

Returning to Normal - whatever that is

Ariella and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing our friends at Harbert Community Church this morning, what a blessing to see everyone again. David and Ariella will both return to school tomorrow. Ron and I go to Chicago Tuesday and are hopeful that the kidney drain will be removed and he will finally be 'tube-free'. He has scheduled physical therapy to begin this week. He is still weak, but getting stronger each day. His appetite has not entirely returned, but he makes a good effort and doesn't fuss about two Ensure milkshakes a day.

Normal has a whole new meaning, and we love it.


1 comment:

Steve Isham said...

Ron Walks My AM Circuit

Ron is in Michigan mending
they've taken out all the tubes
so this morning I carried him out the gate
and on to the gravel past the paddock
with the eohippus small ponies
grazing and the steep dog leg bend with the dead trees.
I've been this way so many times
but today I'm smiling to discover a short cut
on the too trodden path
down to the dry creek where dark pools stop
between the wide rib grey stone where I cut
another corner among the black berry brambles
and stop to pee just out of sight of the road
the creek even lovelier here beneath the dark cool trees.
We're climbing now up the steepest stretch
paved road with well tended hobby farms on either side
out of the first two bluey dogs one grey in the muzzle
bark dutifully at the fence, my breath heaviest
levelling a little at the cul-de-sac and still further we climb
up the public way zigzagging bush track cross stitched
with tree roots, sticks, and knobs of dolerite 100 metres
steep to the wide meadow
expansive kite-site sunny breast of earth.

We're Halflings here descending gently to a noble stand
of old growth eucalyptus the path winding through like an old tale
to where path and road re-meet the Volk's stone house
unfinished and decades in the making.

On the verge a wallaby newly dead on Thursday
is now reduced to vertebrae, clean fur and a grimace
stretched back from small teeth skewed and ivory clean.

Look Ron, the bright of the distant bay
above this high road as we turn for home.