Friday, December 14, 2007

Get me out of here

A new word, "Toxic Metabolic Syndrome". Today is a day for him to clear his system. He had a restless night and gave the nurses a pretty hard time and needed to be restrained. Consequently, he thinks he is in a mental hospital, "(They LIE, Shhh! They abuse have no idea...). He has no concept of what day or time it is and is pretty fretful, but not in pain. He desperately wants to go home. He knows who I am, but unfortunately, they make me leave at night. If his brain can clear adequately so that he can deal with less than one-one nursing, he can leave this floor. Clarity and calm, in order to get our of 'this place' is our goal today.

The kids arrive tonight, so that should be a big spirit lifter, although I can't tell him because that implies he will still be here tonight and he gets agitated (I'm not going HOME?).

We are out of the woods, but have a ways to go along the beach. I'll post an update later today.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

JOY! So glad things are looking up. I can just hear him saying "They torture you." He's showing a strong will the get on with life...and get out of there. Good!

Give Ron, Ari, David, and YOU a big HUG from me. Steve and I are thinking of you constantly.