Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A better Photo

Ariella didn't like the "Dragon Fly" sunglasses and has offered this more flattering photo of Ron.


jane powers said...

I didn't know that Ron played the piano. How cool is that?Apparently, his talent lies in music, just not in fashion. :)

Regarding the test today, we don't just want him to PASS the test, we want him to be strong enough to remain off the ventilator. Maybe the extra time unsedated and waiting will be helful in interpreting the results of the test more appropriately and further delays due to reintubations will come to a hault.
God's got your back. Relax!

artafact said...

HI..thanks for the updates. They are very WELCOME as we are all monitoring his progress and they make us worry less for both of you.
You are both strong and will get through this difficult time.
John and Linda

Anonymous said...

Hello Carol: Susan and I continue praying for you both...thank you for your updates...and know that we think of you both often. When Ron comes around remind him that Jr..Ed's cousin in Kentucky....wants to see him...Ron and I need another road trip..

God Bless/his speed and comfort
