Monday, December 17, 2007

Two Forward, One Back

Day 11 in ICU: Ron failed the breathing test today. He is still breathing too fast off the ventilator, and his trachea is swollen due to multiple intubations. Both conditions make it risky to remove the tube, especially given his history. He will remain on the ventilator another day -- or two, or three -- until these conditions improve. At some point a tracheotomy will become a better alternative than the tube, but there are as many opinions about when that point is reached as there are doctors. We are still not entirely certain why he has had so much trouble breathing in the first place.

The good news is that the pneumonia doesn't look any worse (hooray for antibiotics). However, his spirit is increasing fragile. The tube is terribly uncomfortable, even with sedation. He is restless, can't speak, and it is difficult to have hopes for removal repeatedly raised and dashed. Our biggest need is for patence, but it is getting harder and harder to keep cool give the uncertainty.

Nancy is a constant presence and wonderful advisor. We were cheered today by a visit and prayer time with Donna and Henry Lampe. The kids are back in Michigan, thanks to Judy and Mark Jacoby. Jannette Yergeau has offered to bring David to Chicago on Thursday for his birthday and we are putting plans in place for celebrating Christmas with the Decorrevonts. Roger Adams and Jamie Pellar stand ready to provide shelter at a moment's notice. We are blessed.

There won't be any further news today, but I will post again after the breathing trial early tomorrow. Please pray for the swelling to respond to steroids and and continued healing for his poor stressed lungs.

1 comment:

Steve Isham said...

It does seem odd. All that swimming, I would think, would make Ron's lungs very stong and resistant.