Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Saga Continues


I had thought we were done with this blog, but we once again need to update you on Ron's slower than expected recovery...

We had a great Christmas, just the four of us. It was so great to be home together.
He subsisted for five days on a diet of Jello and bananas. Unfortunately, Thursday found us back in Chicago for more tests. A CT scan, urine and blood tests show that he is very rundown, has a possible bladder infection and that his kidney has found other ways to excrete urine than through the bladder.

A surgical procedure (wow, how did we get back HERE again?) was performed Friday morning to try to redirect the urine through the ureter and bladder. We toddled across the street to the Wyndham Hotel to wait for Ron to feel stronger and for the predicted (but never realized) storm to clear.

As of Saturday, we are home again. Once again, we need your help with prayer. Specifically, please pray for Ron to regain his appetite in order for the healing to continue. Despite my best efforts, and doctor's orders to "eat like a 14 year old", he doesn't find anything appealing. We also need the leaking to stop and Ron to start feeling more comfortable.

We are so appreciative of all the calls and support. Thank you for continuing to follow this blog. You'll know we're done when Ron starts blogging for himself!

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Ron and Carol: Thanks for reaching back to us all for more prayers and support.....where would any of use be without community...
